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    The magnificent seven:
    7 FREE TV channel packs.

    Looking for free television? Pzaz offers a wide range of live TV channels, free!
    Discover an ever-growing, hand-picked selection of live TV channels in the
    Pzaz Music, Lifestyle, Movies, Sports, Kids, and Fun channel packs.

    The TV & Music Super App. Get Pzazzed !

    Pzaz is endless entertainment; live TV and radio, news, sports, boxsets, films, music and more.
    Create your custom channel line-up from hundreds of independent channels, so you can indulge
    in your favourite television and music from around the world, wherever you are, on any device.

    Endless entertainment:
    100+ content providers.

    Pzaz is the A to Z of independent television, from children’s tv, comedy and drama through to entertainment, music TV, and sports, there’s something for everyone.

    One account, access everything.

    Pzaz works on all your devices. Sign up is FREE.
    Mobile & Tablet
    PC & Laptop
    Box & Stick

    Sign up, it’s free.

    Pzaz is free, with no monthly fees for watching free content.
    You only pay for premium subscription channels or movie and TV show rentals.