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    Instructions On How to Connect to Pzaz S3 Bucket

    Your Unique Login Credentials will be provided to you separately by Pzaz.

    The Server, Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, and Path are all case sensitive.

    Step-by-Step Instructions:

    1. Download and install CyberDuck from this link:

    2. Click “Open Connection”, then from the dropdown select “Amazon S3”.

    3. Manually change the server to the Server provided to you as part of your credentials (in the example below, the server is

    Then enter the Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, and Path name that are provided to you as part of your credentials.

    Note: the Path field is usually needed on Mac devices. If you receive an error when trying to connect or denied access, try to connect without a Path.

    4. Click Connect.

    5. From this screen, select Upload and you will be able to upload the files into this S3 bucket.

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