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    Film, TV
    and Video.

    The intelligent production ecosystem
    that helps you to get things done.
    Pzaz is where entertainment is made.

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    The art of film, tv and video creation.

    We know it’s tough for independents to make it commercially.
    That’s why we are putting the pizzazz back into independent producing.
    Pzaz is being built in collaboration with experts, delivering a dedicated, unified workflow
    to support the ideal entrepreneur filmmaker lifestyle.

    What do you want to do today?

    All a producer needs, in the cloud. Its easy, its free
    and we are here to help you onboard.

    Pzaz is where productions get made.

    The essential production management software
    platform that speaks “all languages” where
    you aren’t just left to do, but are helped
    to get it done.
    Forget all those other software tools, each claiming
    to be better than the other and promising buckets
    of features; Pzaz is more than a tool, it removes all
    obstacles, allowing you to be totally focussed on
    being creative again.

    It’s always better done together.

    Ideate, plan, manage your team, collaborate,
    produce and make it...
    Create your beat sheet, script, storyboard, moodboard
    and stripboard, scenes & shots all in a perfect shooting
    schedule with supporting call sheets and let’s not forget,
    creating your business plans, all this in one online suite.

    Film, TV and Video.

    Designed for media production,
    Pzaz is perfect for Film, TV and Video.
    Whether you are running a solo production, mega
    production or a small team of 5-20, we can adjust
    and customise to your needs for any size team.
    The production tool without limits!
    Get Projector
    for FREE!
    Its a βeta.
    Prepare to gear up and embark on your producer journey.
    Gain access for a price that won’t break the bank.
    Today it's still free.
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